CSR Activities
- CSR Activities
Kitashiba promotes CSR activities.
Kitashiba endeavors to contribute to society through its business while fostering community engagement.
Recent CSR Activities
- There is no news that can be displayed at present.
Local Disaster Prevention Activity
We conduct a fire drill every year jointly with the Fukushima 29th Fire Brigade in the Matsukawa area to raise disaster awareness and strengthen the activities of our fire defense team.

Summer Festival at the Factory
We hold a summer festival every year to interact with and promote exchange with local residents. We actively sponsor local festivals and events to help revitalize the local community.

Cooperation in Regional Revitalization Events
We cooperate with the city of Fukushima on events for the rehabilitation and revitalization of Fukushima (for example, accepting junior high school students for workplace experience and cooperating with permanent residence projects).

Environmental Beautification Activities
We conduct cleanup campaigns twice a year in which we pick up litter in the neighborhood of our factory and public facilities. In addition, we actively participate in the environmental beautification activities organized by local municipalities.

Kitashiba cooperates with the subsidiaries of Toshiba Group based in the city of Fukushima on Toshiba’s one-million afforestation activities. We are also planning to participate in the nationwide tree-planning project to be held in 2018.

Participation in the Nanohana (Rape Blossom) Project
As part of our efforts to recycle natural resources, we are cooperating with the Nanohana Project Network. Rapeseed is a source of vegetable oil, and even waste rapeseed oil is reusable. Kitashiba participates in the Nanohana Project as it manufactures products that use rapeseed oil.